HolyCoast: Jimmy W. Carter Follow-up
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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Jimmy W. Carter Follow-up

Awhile back I told you of Jimmy the younger's political plans in Nevada. Today James Taranto points out some of Jimmy Junior's "accomplishments" during his adult lifetime:
"President Carter's eldest son, Jack, is fueling hopes that Democrats can knock off first-termer Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) next year," reports the Hill. Among the young Carter's qualifications:

- He was discharged from the Navy in 1970 for drug use.

- He used to run a grain elevator business, which, according to columnist Jane Ann Morrison, "closed."

- He spent seven years trading commodities in the tax haven of Bermuda.

We're tempted to scoff, but we'll resist the urge. After all, underachieving sons of one-term presidents have been known to accomplish great things in American politics.
I'm guessing this Senate seat will stay in the "R" column.

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