HolyCoast: An Open Letter To President Bush
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Thursday, October 27, 2005

An Open Letter To President Bush

Dear Mr. President:

I have been a big fan of yours since the 2000 elections, and have worked through various sources to secure your election and reelection, and to promote the elections of GOP candidates who share our vision for America. Although we have agreed far more than we have disagreed, I did vigorously oppose the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

I'm sorry that the White House and Ms. Miers were put through such a bruising battle, but it was a fight we needed to have. The Supreme Court is the last hope for sanity in our legal system, and it's vitally important that the right individual be given that huge responsibility.

Mr. President, without question there will be a fight over this next nomination. The question for you, sir, is with whom do you wish to fight? Do you wish to have another battle with the conservative base, risk losing their support in the 2006 midterm elections and possibly cripple your presidency for the remaining three years? Or would you rather fight with the liberal left who have spared no effort to call you stupid, Hitler, a liar, and who knows what else? If you nominate another stealth candidate, or a moderate who's wishy-washy on issues important to conservatives, you will risk another war with your own base and will effectively side with your political enemies who have spent your entire term disrespecting you and your office. Mr. President, it's time to honor the wishes of those who have stood steadfastly beside you since the 2000 election.

And please, sir, remember that this is the Supreme Court, not the Supreme Diversity Court. Conservatives want to see a nominee who is the best judicial conservative available, not the best woman, minority, gay, Baptist, or any other qualification. Just the best. If the best person available fits one of those "protected classes", so much the better, but the only qualification you should be looking at besides a judicial conservative is that you've picked the very best. Remember the Hallmark motto: "When you care enough to send the very best..."

I don't have a specific recommendation for the position because I don't know who the best qualified judicial conservative is. However, there are lots of talented conservatives who know better than I and are just a phone call away. Please make use of their knowledge and skills and don't just rely on the folks who work for you. There are lots of good opinions outside those white walls.

I wish you the best of luck with the next nominee. Remember, sir, if you honor the wishes of your supporters, we will back you and your nominee with everything we've got and will stand beside you in the coming fight with the Democrats and their lefty special interest allies. We're here - please let us help.


Rick Moore

; ; ; Miers Withdraws; Supreme Court

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