HolyCoast: Sooner Boomer
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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Sooner Boomer

The case of the exploding OU student is getting weirder and weirder. Here's just a few of the interesting facts, courtesy of Gateway Pundit:
  1. The general manager of a Norman feed store said Tuesday that Joel Henry Hinrichs III had inquired about purchasing a significant amount of ammonium nitrate, the primary ingredient used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Dustin Ellison, the general manager of Ellison Feed & Seed on Porter Avenue, said that a man matching Hinrichs' description had come into the store days before he blew himself up on OU's campus. Ellison said the man asked about ammonium nitrate, but couldn't offer a reason why he needed it.
  2. Joel Hinrichs used the same explosive as the "shoe bomber", Richard Reid. The explosive, called "Mother of Satan", by Islamist extremists, has rarely been used in the US! It's so volatile that it can explode even if it's merely dropped. It can even explode spontaneously, experts say.
  3. Joel attended the Islamic mosque near his apartment, possibly the same mosque as Zacarias Moussaoui attended. His Pakistani roommate has not been seen by neighbors since the incident.
  4. There was no suicide note.

To be honest with you, this is the first time that I've heard that this guy was Muslim. There seems to be a concerted effort to downplay this incident as nothing more than some confused kid who blew himself up. However, it's looking more and more like we may have another Adam Gadahn on our hands who converted to Islam and decided to join the Jihad.

Given the proximity of the explosion to 84,000 football fans, it's beginning to look to me as though this guy had much bigger plans that went awry at the last minute.

Gateway Pundit has more.

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