HolyCoast: Rapper Throws In His 50 Cents
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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Rapper Throws In His 50 Cents

Wars between members of the crap... er rap music community are not uncommon, and usually end up with a well-ventilated rap star sprawled on a sidewalk somewhere. It looks like there could be a war of words developing between two of the genre's top personalities:
Rapper 50 CENT has lashed out at fellow hip-hop star KANYE WEST for accusing US President GEORGE W BUSH of racism in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

The IN DA CLUB star believes human intervention could not have prevented the effects of the hurricane, which killed over a thousand people in the US gulf states in August (05), and sees no point in reprimanding the President for something which was beyond his control.

He says, "The New Orleans disaster was meant to happen. It was an act of God.

"I think people responded to it the best way they can.

"What KANYE WEST was saying, I don't know where that came from."
Boy, talk about leaving the reservation. A black celebrity saying something in support of President Bush is practically unheard of. I hope his insurance is paid up.

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