HolyCoast: Swift Vets Still Sting Kerry
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Friday, November 18, 2005

Swift Vets Still Sting Kerry

Apparently John Kerry has been unable to move on from last year's defeat in the presidential race. Just take a look at this excerpt from an email he sent out today (h/t The Corner):

This is our moment of truth. You and I have to make it absolutely clear that we won't stand for Republican "Swift Boat" style attacks on Jack Murtha.

Yesterday, an extraordinary congressman, former Marine Drill Sergeant and decorated Vietnam veteran, spoke out on the war in Iraq. He didn't come to that moment lightly. He spoke his mind and spoke his heart out of love for his country and support for our troops. No sooner had the words left his lips than the vicious assault on his character and patriotism began.

Today, in a statement on the Senate floor, in interviews with the national media, and in this message to you, I am seeking out every opportunity to defend a brave American hero that the Republican attack machine has set their sights on.

I urge you to do the same. Whether you agree or disagree with Jack Murtha is irrelevant. These despicable attacks on Jack Murtha's patriotism and courage must be met with an enormous public outcry. Call your local talk radio show, write a letter to the editor, phone your members of Congress - join me in acting now to reject these "Swift Boat" style attacks on Jack Murtha.

It disgusts me that a bunch of guys who have never put on the uniform of their country have aimed their venom at a marine who served America heroically in Vietnam and has been serving heroically in Congress ever since. No matter what J.D. Hayworth says, there is no sterner stuff than the backbone and courage that defines Jack Murtha's character and conscience.


Please act now. Call and email your elected officials. Flood talk radio with calls rejecting these vicious smear tactics. Send a letter to the editor. Express your outrage about the tired old Rovian "Swift Boat" style attacks on Jack Murtha.


John Kerry

John, in America it's okay to honor a person's service to the country and still disagree with him on important issues. Service in our military, while highly honored, does not grant a person immunity from criticism for future dumb statements. If there's anybody in the world who should understand that, it's you John.

Rep. Murtha blew it, and now he and your fellow Dems will pay the price. I respect his service in Vietnam, and I even respect yours, regardless of how much of it was made up. I do not, however, respect your views on Iraq and will not stop saying so just because you once wore the uniform and I never did.

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