HolyCoast: Dems Critical of Bush's NAACP Speech...Before He Gives It
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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Dems Critical of Bush's NAACP Speech...Before He Gives It

If there's any doubt that President Bush's visit to the NAACP today is a complete waste of time, the Dems have already started criticizing the speech - even before it is delivered:
One day before President Bush addresses the NAACP for the first time during his presidency, two Democratic senators urged yesterday that those attending the meeting to hold the administration accountable for renewing - and enforcing - the Voting Rights Act.

Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois warned NAACP delegates to be cautious of any civil rights promises Bush offers when speaking to the group today. The senators criticized Republicans for allowing the landmark 1965 voting act to nearly expire and said the Justice Department has failed to aggressively pursue allegations of disenfranchisement.

"Don't be bamboozled. Don't buy into it," Obama said, trying to anticipate Bush's speech, which is expected to touch upon his support for extending the act. "It's great if he commits to signing it, but what is critical is the follow-through. You don't just talk the talk, but you also walk the walk."

I'm afraid the only one being bamboozled here is Bush, who never should have accepted the invitation in the first place.

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