HolyCoast: "Mini-Katrina"
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Thursday, July 20, 2006


You can always tell when the talking points go out from the DNC. Yesterday we had every Dem that could get to a microphone denouncing the Bush Administration for it's failure to immediately move 25,000 Americans out of Lebanon. The term, which was apparently poll tested, is "mini-Katrina". The Dems obviously feel there is an advantage to comparing the evacuation of Lebanon with the evaucation of New Orleans.

Granted, New Orleans was a lawless war zone even before Hurricane Katrina, much like Lebanon is now, but to try and compare the two is nonsense. The problems in New Orleans could be directly attributed to the failure of the local and state authorities whose primary job it was to deal with a mass evacuation - and who failed miserably even though, with rare exception, they didn't have anyone shooting at them.

When did Americans become such a bunch of whiners? While watching the news I've seen several reports from Americans who were trapped in Lebanon and were shocked, SHOCKED!, that the U.S. didn't have a fleet of cruise ships standing by to rescue their sorry asses from a country, to which they voluntarily traveled, and which is basically run by a terrorist organization. Didn't any of these people have even the slightest clue that Lebanon was not exactly Switzerland when it came to personal safety?

I also saw a press conference put on by Muslim mouthpiece CAIR that trotted out an American citizen of Middle Eastern ancestry who proceded to badmouth the U.S. because he had trouble getting his family out of the war zone. I feel for the guy, but things are a bit dicey over there right now and we can't just call a time out and go rescue his family.

(Funny, at the CAIR press conference there was no criticism of the terrorist organization Hezbollah which started this whole thing and caused the situation that stranded the guy's family. I wonder why....)

Thanks to the Katrina aftermath, the Dems and their handmaidens in the press have managed to convince large numbers of Americans that they cannot survive on their own in a time of crisis without the Federal Government holding their hand. This is not a recipe for success in life or anything else.

Just wait until the first American dies over there. I'm sure the Dems already have their talking points in hand and are just waiting to jump in front of a microphone as soon as the news clears the wires.

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