HolyCoast: A Glowing Endorsement of Bolton From a Liberal Dem
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Saturday, July 29, 2006

A Glowing Endorsement of Bolton From a Liberal Dem

Alan Dershowitz is about as liberal a Dem as they come, and today writes a ringing endorsement for UN Ambassador John Bolton, which provides a direct challenge to the Dems on the Senate panel who are desperate to deny Bolton a confirmation:

As a liberal Democrat, I listened carefully to the opposition voiced by many Democratic senators to the nomination of John Bolton as our chief representative to the United Nations. Mr. Bolton has been representing us at the United Nations since August. During the current Middle East crisis, I have been able to listen for myself to what Mr. Bolton has been saying at the United Nations.

On the basis of his performance, I have become a Bolton supporter. He speaks with moral clarity. He is extremely well prepared. He is extraordinarily articulate. He places the best face on American policy, particularly in the Middle East during this crucial time.


What remains of last year's nomination battle, though, is what I suspect to be the real reason that some Democrats oppose the Bolton nomination. That is, they felt uncomfortable with Mr. Bolton's oft-expressed and blunt skepticism over the United Nations' legal and moral authority. Mr. Bolton can even, at times, come off as "contemptuous of the U.N.," in Sen. Barbara Boxer's words.

But Mr. Bolton is right to be skeptical, and all the great U.S. ambassadors to the United Nations — from Adlai Stevenson to Arthur Goldberg to Pat Moynihan to Jeane Kirkpatrick — have shared that skepticism. Mr. Bolton is absolutely justified in pushing for reform of the notoriously corrupt and inefficient bureaucratic structure in Turtle Bay. As he once said, "If member countries want the United Nations to be respected ... they should begin by making sure it is worthy of respect."

Most importantly, Mr. Bolton understands that his job is to represent the United States and our interests to the world, and not the other way around. When The Washington Post's Dana Milbank chided Mr. Bolton for "disparaging the very organization he would serve," the Wall Street Journal's James Taranto promptly corrected him by saying, "the American ambassador to the U.N. is supposed to serve America, not the U.N."

I have observed Mr. Bolton's performance with regard to Israel and its conflicts with Hezbollah and Hamas. On many other fronts he has proved himself a staunch advocate of freedom and human rights — specifically in Sudan, North Korea and Cuba. Some critics have argued that Mr. Bolton is better in his public role as advocate than in his behind-the-scenes role as conciliator. But at this point in history, the United States needs a public advocate who can further its case in the court of public opinion. No one does that better than John Bolton.

The question now is, will any of his fellow libs in the Senate be swayed by his eloquent endorsement? Probably not. Why? The Senators have to worry about something that Dershowitz doesn't - fund raising from their wacky left supporters. Those supporters are demanding Bolton's scalp because he refuses to play the "let's all get along" game so favored by the left, and I'm sure the moonbat side of the blogosphere will crucify any Dem who votes to confirm Bolton.

Besides, Bolton intimidates the heck out of them with his intellect and forceful approach to diplomacy. His slap down of John Kerry was classic.

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