HolyCoast: TSA Bans Hair Gel - Cynthia McKinney Hardest Hit
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Thursday, August 10, 2006

TSA Bans Hair Gel - Cynthia McKinney Hardest Hit

The decision to ban hair gel products on commercial airlines has hit one soon-to-be former congresswoman particularly hard. Rep. Cynthia McKinney is feeling the effects of the ban, and she's not happy.

During a press conference Rep. McKinney had especially harsh comments for the Bush Administration:

"This ban on hair gel products is yet another attempt by the Bush and Cheney Administration to keep me down and prevent me from helpin' my peeps here in Georgia. I was planning to fly back to Washington today to finish representin' the Uncle Toms and Jews who threw my sorry butt out of Congress, but there's no way I'm goin' without my gel! The dry air in first class just makes my 'do EXPLODE, and I can't be seen at MoveOn.org and Code Pink events looking like this.

Only an f***ing hairless cracker like Michael Cherthoff could come up with a stupid rule like this, just because some Pakistani brothers in England wanted to play Mr. Wizard with household products on international airliners.

Me and my New Black Panther Party security guards will not be bowed; we will not be broken. WE SHALL OVER-MOUSSE!"

(Hey, it could happen...you knew I couldn't resist another McKinney post.)

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