HolyCoast: A Really Dumb Senate Hold
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Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Really Dumb Senate Hold

Sen. Bob Menendez, soon to be either the victim of the "Toricelli option" or a loss to Tom Kean in November, has placed one of those silly Senate holds on an ambassador nominee. Here's why (from Special Report):
New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez has put the confirmation of Richard E. Hoagland — the Bush administration's nominee to be U.S. ambassador to Armenia — on hold. Why?

Menendez said the move comes in response to the Bush administration's refusal to recognize the Armenian genocide and added: "As a leader and defender of democracy, it is our nation's responsibility to speak out against injustice and support equality and human rights. If the Bush administration continues to refuse to acknowledge the atrocities of the Armenian genocide, then there is certainly cause for great alarm, which is why I am placing a hold on this nominee."

The atrocities Sen. Menendez speaks of took place from 1915 to 1923.
Are there a lot of Armenians in New Jersey who will be favorably disposed toward Menendez because of this hold? I don't know, but I suspect it was much more about getting his name in the paper for something other than scandal...for once.

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