HolyCoast: It's Moonbat Night
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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It's Moonbat Night

As the election grows nearer, the moonbats grow wackier. How about this story from Maine (h/t LGF):
BOSTON (Reuters) - A Maine attorney who released information in 2000 about President George W. Bush’s drunken driving conviction was arrested on Tuesday after he dressed up as al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and waved a fake gun at traffic.

Police in South Portland, Maine, arrested Thomas Connolly, 49, of Scarborough, Maine, and charged him with criminal threatening. He was released on bail, local officials said.

Lt. Todd Bernard said the police department received calls about a man wearing Middle Eastern garb and a bin Laden mask and carrying fake dynamite standing along an interstate highway. When police arrived, they saw Connolly holding a gun.

“They ordered him to drop the weapon several times and he eventually complied,” Bernard said. It turned out the gun was fake, Bernard said.

In a phone interview, Connolly said he’d been trying to protest a planned change in local tax rules. “I didn’t expect to be arrested,” he said. “Obviously I touched a post-9/11 nerve.”

Days before the 2000 presidential election, Connolly released information about Bush’s 1976 drunken driving conviction.

No, stupid, brandishing a weapon - even a fake one - was illegal long before 9/11.

And from Virginia, the home of pedophile novelists, we have this story :
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - A heckler who confronted Sen. George Allen at a campaign appearance Tuesday was put in a chokehold and slammed to the floor by three of the Republican's supporters in an incident captured on video.

Mike Stark, a liberal blogger and first-year University of Virginia law student, approached Allen at an event in Charlottesville, loudly asking, "Why did you spit at your first wife, George?" according to witnesses.

Three men, all wearing blue Allen lapel stickers, immediately grabbed Stark, dragged him backward and slung him to the carpet outside a hotel meeting room, according to video captured by WVIR-TV in Charlottesville.

Stark said later in a telephone interview with The Associated Press: "I am a constituent. I am allowed to ask my U.S. senator questions."

A new statewide poll conducted for CNN showed Allen's Democratic challenger, former Navy Secretary Jim Webb, with a slight lead in a bitterly contested race that could help determine whether the GOP retains control of the Senate.

In a Monday posting on "Calling All Wingnuts," the blog Stark publishes, he hinted that he would attempt to provoke Allen before the TV cameras.

Sadly for the moonbat, Allen didn't appear in any of the video footage of the moonbat's rude butt being thrown out of the hotel.

It's only going to get crazier.

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