HolyCoast: Harry Reid Making Life Difficult for the Village People
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Friday, February 16, 2007

Harry Reid Making Life Difficult for the Village People

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is taking away valuable campaign time from the Senate members of The Village People (the Dem '08 candidates). In an effort to keep from being upstaged by the shameful surrender vote in that will take place in the House later today, he's scheduled a vote in the Senate for Saturday - prime campaigning time for the Village People:

US congressional debate on Iraq took a rare turn as the Senate's leadership opted to cut into lawmakers' time off to hold a vote Saturday on President George W. Bush's plan to send more troops to Iraq.

"Democrats are determined to give our troops and the American people the debate they deserve, so the Senate will have another Iraq vote this Saturday," said Senate Harry Reid, leader of the Democratic majority, with legislators due to take a one-week break from Saturday.

The vote will resume debate cut off February 5 on a non-binding resolution on Bush's plan, announced in January, to send 21,500 additional combat troops.

"We will move for a clear up or down vote on the House resolution which simply calls on Congress to support the troops and opposes the escalation," Reid said.

The vote isn't going to go anywhere. Republicans have already said they'd block this vote just as surely as they blocked the last one. This is nothing more than an exercise in media manipulation since once again it will be reported that the "Republicans are blocking the Iraq debate".

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