HolyCoast: Hillary: Take Down the Confederate Flag
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Monday, February 19, 2007

Hillary: Take Down the Confederate Flag

Hillary Clinton joins the Village People chorus in demanding that South Carolina take down the Confederate flag. But just look at her reasoning:
ORANGEBURG, S.C. (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that South Carolina should remove the Confederate flag from its Statehouse grounds, in part because the nation should unite under one banner while at war.
Is anyone else having their irony alarm go off? The Dems have done absolutely nothing to unite the country in time of war when it comes to the important stuff like supporting our troops in the field, or perhaps actually hoping we win. But with a strictly symbolic item like the Confederate flag, suddenly we have to unite! What malarky.

And, lest anyone forget, the Stars and Bars were raised over the South Carolina statehouse by none other than Dem Governor Fritz Hollings, who later served many terms in the Senate. I've never yet heard a single Dem offer a condemnation of Hollings who raised the flag in protest against Federal efforts to integrate South Carolina schools.

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