HolyCoast: Rudy's Slam Inspires More Dem Whining
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rudy's Slam Inspires More Dem Whining

I predicted yesterday that Rudy's remarks about a Dem president leading to another 9/11 would inspire outrage and anger from the Dem candidates. I was wrong. It only inspired whining. And you don't have to take my word for it - just listen to lefty Kevin Drum's crestfallen post:
So I was curious: how would the Dem candidates respond? With the usual whining? Or with something smart? Greg Sargent has today's responses from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton over at his site and the verdict is in: more whining. Obama: "Rudy Giuliani today has taken the politics of fear to a new low blah blah blah." Clinton: "One of the great tragedies of this Administration is that the President failed to keep this country unified after 9/11 yada yada yada."

Unbelievable. Neither one of them took the chance to do what Rudy did: explain in a few short sentences why the country would be safer with a Democrat in the Oval Office. Is it really that hard? Giuliani's position is clear: more war, more domestic surveillance, more torture, and fewer civil liberties. And while it's true that the liberal position on making America secure is a little more complicated than the schoolyard version of foreign affairs beloved of Bush-era Republicans, it's not that complicated. So instead of complaining about how mean Giuliani is, why can't Obama and Clinton just tell us what they'd do?

Whining just reinforces the message that Democrats are wimps. The real way to be "hard hitting" is to explain why Giuliani is wrong and what Democrats would do instead — and why the average Joe and Jane would be safer and better off without guys like Giuliani bumbling recklessly around the globe leaving a stronger al-Qaeda and a weaker America in their wake. Until they do, Rudy and the Republicans are going to win every round of this fight.

Why can't Obama and Clinton just tell us what they'd do? That's easy. If they did, they'd prove why Rudy's right and why voters have been shy about trusting national security to Democrats. Believe me, the worst possible outcome for the Dems is to have their candidates be honest with the voters.

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