HolyCoast: Evan Almighty Doesn't Play Well in Malaysia
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Friday, July 13, 2007

Evan Almighty Doesn't Play Well in Malaysia

The latest insult to Islam - the movie Evan Almighty:

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Malaysian Muslims have called for a ban on the blockbuster movie “Evan Almighty,” saying it is offensive to their religion, state media reported Friday.

Malaysia’s influential Muslim Consumers Association (PPIM) said the comedy, which plays on the story of Noah’s ark and features actor Morgan Freeman as God, was insulting to Islam.

“The movie refers to the big flood during the time of Prophet Noah, but this has been turned into a comedy which is insulting to Islam,” Secretary-General Maamor Osman told news agency Bernama. “Featuring a human being as God in the movie is also against Islam,” he added.

We saw the film last weekend and enjoyed it. It's not as funny as the original Bruce Almighty, but it worked. Steve Carell is always fun to watch, and frankly, Morgan Freeman makes a pretty good God, if I say so myself.

The only thing that would have made the movie more entertaining is if instead of the flood stopping at the front steps of the U.S. Capitol, it had continued all the way through the building and flushed all the crap out of there.

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