HolyCoast: Public Dislikes Congress More Than Bush
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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Public Dislikes Congress More Than Bush

The do-nothing Pelosi/Reid Congress is not exactly wowing them out in flyover country:
WASHINGTON -- In the eyes of the public, Congress is doing even worse than the president.

Public satisfaction with the job lawmakers are doing has fallen 11 points since May, to 24 percent, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll. That's lower than for President Bush, who hasn't fared well lately, either. ...

Just two months ago, 35 percent of the public approved of Congress' work.

The Congress isn't making any effort to fix these numbers, either. Instead of passing meaningful legislation, they're engaged in a bunch of partisan witchhunts, hearings and investigations, none of which will make the country one iota better.

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