HolyCoast: Craig Regrets His Actions, but Not The Ones You'd Think
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Craig Regrets His Actions, but Not The Ones You'd Think

(Soon to be former) Sen. Larry "Wide Stance" Craig held a defiant news conference today and expressed regret for his actions - not the actions of seeking sex in a Minneapolis airport restroom, but pleading guilty to disorderly conduct.

BOISE, Idaho (AP) - Under fire from leaders of his own party, Idaho Sen. Larry Craig on Tuesday said the only thing he had done wrong was to plead guilty after a complaint of lewd conduct in a men's room. He declared, "I am not gay. I never have been gay."

"I did nothing wrong at the Minneapolis airport," he said at a news conference with his wife, Suzanne, at his side.

I'm sure the police in Minneapolis regularly arrest U.S. Senators for doing nothing wrong.

In response, Minneapolis police are reportedly posting these signs on all airport restrooms:

Reading the official police report (which can be found here) I was surprised to find out there are all kinds of codes and rituals involved with soliciting sex from strangers in airport restrooms. Apparently Craig knew the secret handshake, so to speak. Given the description of what happened, it doesn't sound like you could accidentally stumble into the secret code.

There are seemingly a lot of those codes in the gay community and I even stumbled into one of them myself one time. My family wanted to go to Disneyland one Friday night and so we went. I was wearing a red shirt that night, and when we got to the park there seemed to be a lot of people wearing red shirts. There also seemed to be a lot of, shall we say, non-traditional couples. As it turned out, it was Gay Days weekend at Disneyland and the way you identified yourself as one of the "team" was to wear a red shirt. I outed myself, and I wasn't even in! The whole story is here.

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