HolyCoast: Rev. Jackson: Obama "Acting Like He's White"
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Rev. Jackson: Obama "Acting Like He's White"

Another great moment in racial politics:
The Rev. Jesse Jackson called Tuesday on Democrats seeking the 2008 nomination for president to give S.C. voters “something to vote for” when they go to the polls in January.

On a statewide tour to register new voters, Jackson said South Carolina will determine “who has momentum” in the primary when it votes Jan. 29.

Jackson sharply criticized presidential hopeful and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama for “acting like he’s white” in what Jackson said has been a tepid response to six black juveniles’ arrest on attempted-murder charges in Jena, La. Jackson, who also lives in Illinois, endorsed Obama in March, according to The Associated Press.

“If I were a candidate, I’d be all over Jena,” Jackson said after an hour-long speech at Columbia’s historically black Benedict College.

You won't usually find me defending Obama, but perhaps he's more interested in being president of all the people, and not just the people concerned with the latest civil rights fad.

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