HolyCoast: Gay Bay Mayor Can't Take the Heat Over Anti-Military Activities
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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Gay Bay Mayor Can't Take the Heat Over Anti-Military Activities

I've previous reported on the attempt to ban the Blue Angels from this weekend's Fleet Week activities in San Francisco, just another in a long line of anti-military actions from Gay Bay political leaders. Hizzoner, having a Harry Reid moment, fired back:
Mayor Gavin Newsom, attending Fleet Week festivities on the Marina Green on Saturday, lashed out at conservative critics who mocked San Francisco’s consideration of a measure to ban the Navy’s Blue Angels from flying over the city during this week’s celebration.

He cited that criticism and reports that the city turned down a Marine request to make a television recruitment commercial in the Financial District as examples of what he called exploitation by conservatives who don’t “allow the facts to get in their way.”

“Shame on the extreme right,” Newsom told The Chronicle. “I am sick and tired of this city being depicted as anti-military. The extreme right exploits the exception, when I believe there is a predominant respect in this city for the military, vets and those serving today.”

I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor, but your town has a lengthy history of open revolt against our military. Some examples:

SF Refuses to Allow Marines to Film Recruiting Commercial
SF Tries to Ban the Blue Angels
Navy Cancels SF Commissioning Ceremony Because of Anti-Military Views
SF Refuses to Allow the Retired Battleship IOWA to Homeport There
SF Abolishes Junior ROTC Program

And I threw these in just for fun:

SF Mayor Seeks Alcohol Rehab
SF Mayor Caught in Affair
SF Mayor Will Not Comply With Laws Criminalizing Illegal Immigration
SF Wants to Ban All Handguns
SF Mayor Eliminates Bottled Water, Saves the Planet
Evangelical Teens Receive Condemnation from SF Officials

And let's not forget back in 2004 when Hizzoner single-handedly legalized gay marriage - for about 2 days before the courts shot it down.

Sorry, Mr. Mayor, but there's just too much evidence that your city, and you personally, are troubled beyond redemption on all matters military and social.

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