HolyCoast: Harry Reid Surrenders, Tries to Take Credit for Limbaugh Auction
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Harry Reid Surrenders, Tries to Take Credit for Limbaugh Auction

The auction for the Harry Reid smear letter is over and the winner is philanthropist Betty Casey with a winning bid of $2,100,100. In a surreal moment, Harry Reid took to the floor of the Senate and praised Limbaugh's effort for charity while at the same time attempting to take credit for it. I'll bet the mainstream media will cooperate and use some of his soundbites that would suggest he was in consultation with Clear Channel president Mark Mays about the auction (though Reid consistently mispronounced his names as "May"). The video is here.

Don't mistake Harry Reid's disingenuous efforts as anything other than what it was - a surrender. And for a blast from the recent past, check out the perfect analogy for the Limbaugh/Reid fracas.

UPDATE: Some background on the winning bidder from RushLimbaugh.com:
The winning bidder is -- and this is subject to the receipt of funds, of course -- a wonderful woman named Betty Casey. She is a trustee of the Eugene B. Casey Foundation. She gives significant sums of money to hospitals, hospices, colleges, and private schools. These include the Eugene B. Casey Diabetes Education Center at Suburban Hospital, the Eugene B. Casey Swim Center, and the Eugene B. Casey Academic Center, and the Casey Home Hospice in Rockville. She has also donated tens of millions from the foundation and her personal funds to the Washington Opera. Betty Casey has been a listener to this program since its interception. She's a huge fan. We would expect nothing else -- and we cannot thank her enough for her support in this, and I am honored, and proud, and happy to be matching her $2,100,100.

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