HolyCoast: Liveblogging the Florida Results
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Liveblogging the Florida Results

UPDATE 2 - Nets call it for McCain. I won't bother reporting any more results since it appears to be over. Bad news for conservatives and worse news for Giuliani. He may stay in, but won't go far.

UPDATE: Okay, here we go

With 54% of Vote Counted -


John McCain - 35% *Networks call it for McCain.
Mitt Romney - 31%
Rudy Giuliani - 15%
Mike Huckabee - 13%

Ron Paul - 3%


Hillary Clinton - 51% *Networks have called Florida for Clinton, though nobody is supposed to win any delegates.
Barack Obama - 31%
John Edwards - 15%

(below posted earlier)
I'm going to stay near the TV and internet this evening and liveblog the results from Florida as they come in. You're welcome to chime in with your own comments as well.

The early exit polls seem to favor John McCain. He's winning the senior citizen vote pretty handily, and since the senior crowd is pretty big in Florida, that could be important. In Florida if they call you "kid" it's because you're under 75. So far the numbers reported look like this (from Drudge):

EXITS: McCain 34.3%, Romney 32.6%, Giuliani 15.3%, Huckabee 12%...
We also have to remember that there are something like 1,000,000 early and absentee votes that have to be counted as well. We might not have a winnner until late.

Talk to you in a bit.

UPDATE: Okay, here we go


John McCain - 34%
Mitt Romney - 31%
Rudy Giuliani - 18%
Mike Huckabee - 13%


Hillary Clinton - 52%
Barack Obama - 29%
John Edwards - 16%

% of Vote Counted - 12

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