HolyCoast: The Next BlogTalkRadio Broadcast
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Next BlogTalkRadio Broadcast

Here's a program note for you - I'm going to do my next BlogTalkRadio show on Monday night, February 4th, 8:00 pm PST. I'm going to try this one as a live broadcast and if you want to participate, I'll be taking calls at (347) 324-5547. I realize that's a long distance call for most of you, but if you use your cellphones most of you have free nights and long distance and it won't cost you anything. Just try to make sure you have a good signal. I'd rather not sit and talk to myself for 30 minutes, so feel free to call and contribute your thoughts.

The program will be 30 minutes long and will deal with a look at the Super Tuesday races coming up the following day.

You can listen in at this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Rick-Moore/2008/02/05/HolyCoastcom-The-Night-Before-Super-Tuesday

If you would like to get an email reminder about the show from BlogTalkRadio, you can click on this link right now and click the "set reminder" button on the right side. If you can't hear it live, you'll be able to listen anytime after the broadcast by clicking on that same link.

We'll give it a try and see what happens. I'll post another reminder this weekend.

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