HolyCoast: More Black on Black Violence in the Dem Race
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More Black on Black Violence in the Dem Race

The Democratic primary race is really starting to get interesting as the race war heats up between the Clinton and Obama camps. Who'd have thunk it? Democrats making racial allegations against....Democrats!

The latest entry in the hot air parade is Rep. Charles Rangel who basically called Obama "absolutely stupid":
(CNN) — As both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama tried to lower the tension after days of charged rhetoric over race, a congressional supporter of Clinton's presidential bid called the Illinois senator “absolutely stupid” Monday for attacking her over recent comments about President Lyndon Johnson and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

"How race got into this thing is because Obama said ‘race,’” New York Rep. Charlie Rangel, one of the highest-ranking African-Americans in Congress, said in an interview on NY1.

“But there is nothing that Hillary Clinton has said that baffles me. I would challenge anybody to belittle the contribution that Dr. King has made to the world, to our country, to civil rights, and the Voting Rights Act,” said Rangel. “But for him to suggest that Dr. King could have signed that act is absolutely stupid. It's absolutely dumb to infer that Doctor King, alone, passed the legislation and signed it into law."

Rangel’s remarks came in response to Sunday comments from Obama, who told an audience at a Nevada campaign event: "I am baffled by that statement by the Senator. She made an ill-advised statement about Dr. King, suggesting that Lyndon Johnson had more to do with the Civil Rights Act. For them to somehow suggest that we're interjecting race as a consequence of a statement she made, that we haven't commented on, is pretty hard to figure out."

The New York senator has since tried to explain the intent of her remarks was not to diminish the contribution of King, but to point out the benefit of experience in enacting positive legislation.

Rangel also implied that Obama’s admission of prior drug use in his autobiography may have had a financial motive: "I assume that the book was not written for political purposes. It was honest….It was a big mistake for him to have done it [used drugs.] For him to be honest enough to write about it, I guess he thought it might sell books."

You notice he also trotted out the drug thing. It's become ever more clear that mentioning drugs in some sort of way has become a standard tactic for the surrogates in the Clinton campaign.

I can't help but think a guy like Rangel and probably Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are really threatened by Obama since even if he loses he could become the de facto leader of the liberal black community, thus replacing the cranky old guard.

And although Rangel is still a loyal follower, other blacks are not feeling the love for Hillary they once did:
NEW YORK, N.Y. — Dogged by continuing racial tensions around her presidential campaign, Hillary Rodham Clinton drew a smattering of boos on Monday when she spoke at a religiously tinged Martin Luther King Jr. rally put together by a union organizing predominantly black security workers.

The catcalls came when Clinton was introduced and her speech drew only tepid applause compared to the boisterous ovations drawn by many of the pastors and reverends — not to mention a hip-hop artist and slam poet — who took the podium before her.
In her home state....Ouch!

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