HolyCoast: This Morning's Hawkeye Cauci News
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Thursday, January 03, 2008

This Morning's Hawkeye Cauci News

I've already given you my Iowa predictions. Here are the Drudge headlines on the morning of the Iowa caucus:

REUTERSCSPANZOGBY IOWA POLL: Obama Surges to 4 Point Lead Over Edwards; Clinton Fades to 3rd...

NOVAK: Obama win could be fatal for Hillary...

ESTRICH: Huckabee Is 'Democrat's Dream'; 'Honey, I'm Dancing At Inaugural Ball'...

TV Networks devote more time to '08 campaign than last four -- combined...

ALLEN: Playbook... HALPERIN: The Page... TODD: First Read...


RESULTS: TONIGHT...Bush Not Waiting Up...

And this from the Campaign Spot

ARG, beginning the last day of 2007 and completed yesterday: Huckabee 29, Romney 24, Thompson 13, McCain 11, Giuliani 8, Paul 6.

And, how about this?
DEAN SCREAM: RNC Outpacing DNC In Fundraising...
That hasn't happened for awhile. And then there's this story about attempted intimidation:

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Iowa pastors who support Republican Mike Huckabee for president have received letters warning them that getting involved in politics could endanger the tax-exempt status of their churches.

Several pastors who have publicly backed Huckabee, a Southern Baptist minister who has support from many evangelicals, said they have received the letters, which have no return address. They have arrived in the weeks leading to Thursday's precinct caucuses.

Two letters were sent to the Rev. Brad Sherman, of Solid Rock Christian Church in Coralville. The first arrived a couple weeks ago and warned that he could be prosecuted for his support of Huckabee.

"I just laughed. No one lands in jail for this," Sherman said. "Somebody is trying to intimidate Christians from getting involved."

A second letter came Wednesday. It alleged that the Internal Revenue Service is looking for churches that back candidates in violation of tax rules and mentioned Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley, a Republican who has sought information about spending by high-profile ministries.

The Rev. Kevin Hollinger, of First Baptist Church in Algona, has received three similar letters. Although Hollinger has endorsed Huckabee, he hasn't urged his congregation to support a particular candidate.

"I just encourage people to get out and vote and use their biblical principles," Hollinger said. "I don't tell people who to vote for."

Hollinger said he doubted the letters would intimidate anyone.

The Rev. Rex Deckard has received nine letters, including three on Wednesday.
I guarantee you that whoever is sending out these letters is a Republican because Democrats want Huckabee to win. As you can see from the headlines above they think Huck will be a pushover in the fall. There's no way they'd try to derail that with this tactic.

If I had to bet, I'd put my money on a Romney supporter, and perhaps even with the blessing of somebody on the campaign. They've showed that they're not above negative campaigning and he seems to want to win worse than anybody. I don't think any of the other candidates have as much motivation to stop the Huck Express as does Romney.

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