HolyCoast: My Iowa Predictions
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Thursday, January 03, 2008

My Iowa Predictions

Here goes nothing - the top three finishers in the Hawkeye Cauci will be:

  • Republicans - Huckabee wins and Hugh Hewitt's head explodes. Romney is close behind, followed by Thompson who will finish higher than anyone expected.
  • Democrats - Obama, Edwards, Clinton who will finish lower than anyone expected.

The win will be a minor boost for Huckabee, but won't be a deal killer for Romney. Thompson will get a big boost as he heads for South Carolina where he could win. He probably won't be a big factor in New Hampshire. Ron Paul beats Rudy Giuliani in Iowa and nobody cares. Fox still won't let him in the New Hampshire debate.

Obama gets a big boost and his numbers climb in New Hampshire. Clinton's support starts to crumble as the voters finally realize that she's unelectable. The idea of having Bill Clinton running around the White House again sends fear into voters and interns alike.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

UPDATE: I'm a prophet (sort of).

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