HolyCoast: How Does November Shape Up?
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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

How Does November Shape Up?

On Special Report yesterday Brit Hume interviewed Karl Rove and Rove did an analysis of the possible November matchups based on a compilation of all the public polls that are currently out there. So who's the tougher candidate for McCain, Clinton or Obama?

Rove showed an election map (again, based on today's polls) that showed the McCain-Clinton matchup. Based on that map McCain wins 282 electoral votes, Clinton 172, with 84 toss-ups. You only need 270 to win.

Against Obama the map looked very different. Obama had 252 electoral votes, McCain 216 and 70 toss-ups. Based on today's numbers, Obama is the stronger Democrat.

Of course, the election will not be held today but will take place eight months from now. As I said in this post time is Obama's enemy as the emotional high will wear off his campaign, and there will be more press scrutiny of his relationships and policies. He may lose some strength.

Hillary may gain a little, but I think it's just as likely that she could also lose favor. She doesn't wear well on voters.

This academic execise doesn't mean much in the overall scheme of things, but it's still an interesting look at what might happen.

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