HolyCoast: Is There a Michelle Obama Bombshell Waiting to Go Off?
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Friday, May 16, 2008

Is There a Michelle Obama Bombshell Waiting to Go Off?

UPDATE: More info on the mysterious Michelle Obama "Whitey" tape here.

UPDATE 2: More info on the contents of the rumored "Whitey" tape here. If this turns out to be true, Obama is toast.

UPDATE 3: Obama questioned about the tape.

I've long speculated that one of the reasons that Hillary Clinton is still in the race is because she wants to be running should another bombshell like the Rev. Wright scandal hit the Obama campaign. According to Hillary Clinton supporter Larry Johnson, there is another bomb out there, but it won't see the light of day until Obama is nominated:

I now have it from two three sources close to senior Republicans that they have video dynamite–Michelle Obama railing against “whitey” at Jeremiah Wright’s church. Republicans may have a lousy record when it comes to the economy and the management of the war in Iraq, but they are hell on wheels when it comes to opposition research. Someone took the chance and started reviewing the recordings from services at Jeremiah Wright’s United Church of Christ. Holy smoke!! I am told there is a clip that is being held for the fall to drop at the appropriate time. The last thing Barack and Michelle need is a new clip that raises further questions about her judgment and temperament.
Would it surprise you if this was true? Not me. It would seem to fit her temperament based on some of the things she's said during the campaign.

Of course, if such a tape exists, we have to hope it's in the hands of somebody other than the McCain campaign. If he's got it, he won't use it.

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