HolyCoast: Huckabee Saves a Life
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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Huckabee Saves a Life

As a Baptist pastor Mike Huckabee was in the soul-saving business, but on Saturday he was in the life-saving business:
GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) — Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee did more than just give a speech at the North Carolina Republican Party convention. He also may have saved a life.

State GOP spokesman Brent Woodcox says the former Arkansas governor did the Heimlich maneuver on Robert Pittenger, the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, at a lunch before Huckabee gave his speech Saturday.

Woodcox says Pittenger was walking by the front table of the lunch greeting people when he began to choke.

Woodcox says Huckabee jumped up to help Pittenger, who was able to walk away after the incident without medical assistance.

Nice work, governor. Now, how about trying that maneuver on John McCain and see if you can get him to spit out those liberal policies that are stuck in his throat.

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