HolyCoast: Strike Two and Three for Obama's VP Search Team
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Strike Two and Three for Obama's VP Search Team

We are told that Barack Obama has the "judgement to lead". So, shouldn't that judgement be extended to the personnel choices he makes? Based on his VP search team, his judgement is severely lacking.

I've already expressed my amazement that Caroline Kennedy was chosen as part of the three-person team, a woman who holds a sympathetic spot in the American conscience, but who is otherwise wildly unqualified to be choosing the VP. The other two members of Obama's team aren't any better choices than Kennedy. Here's how Mickey Kaus describes Jim Johnson:
Johnson was an atrocious, tin-eared choice on many other grounds. He's a symbol of old Democratic elites--the Mondale Restoration!--and of Beltway business as usual. He's gotten obscenely rich off of public service while pursuing a failed liberal antipoverty theory (community develpment) and taking credit for spreading around other peoples money. He failed to catch Geraldine Ferraro's problems before they blew up on Mondale. He helped lead Fannie Mae into a multi-billion dollar debacle (even though he let his successor catch most of the blame). He said Mozilo's firm had "done a brilliant job of insulating itself for the down cycle" shortly before Mozilo's firm was clobbered in the down cycle, eventually selling itself to Bank of America for about a tenth of it's former value, according to the Sun.

Why would Obama, in his first big personnel decision, choose a paleoliberal greedhead with a track record of failure? You tell me! He's described Johnson as "a friend." It looks as if he was at best highly susceptible to amicable overtures from someone he about whom he should have retained some critical perspective.

And what about Eric Holder, the former deputy Attorney General in the Clinton Administration? Remember billionaire Marc Rich who received a last minute and highly questionable pardon from Clinton? Eric Holder made that happen.

Caroline Kennedy was a bad choice, not because of any scandal or taint, but because she has no basis of experience that would qualify her for such a task. The other two guys clearly retain the stench of past Dem scandals and will be a continuing embarrassment to the Obama campaign until the Obamessiah can figure out how to throw them under the bus as he did his grandmother, Father Pfleger, Rev. Wright, his church....and the list goes on.

UPDATE from Campaign Spot:
I'm told by a campaign source that Barack Obama is holding a hastily-scheduled press conference at 10:45 a.m. this morning. Is Jim Johnson out from the veep selection committee?

At a press conference today, Sen. Barack Obama said he will not ask Jim Johnson to step down from his VP selection committee despite his ties to Countrywide Mortgage. Obama said he will not vet the vetters.

Obama: "These are not folks who are working for me."
Hmmmm. If the people who are vetting VP candidates are not working for the presidential candidate, who are they working for??

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