HolyCoast: Who Has the Most Expensive Leased Car in Congress?
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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Who Has the Most Expensive Leased Car in Congress?

Why that would be Rep. Laura Richardson, whose financial shenanigans we've mentioned before:
Freshman Democratic Congresswoman Laura Richardson of California has defaulted on two home loans and lost a third house at a foreclosure auction.

The Daily Breeze newspaper in Torrance, California, also reports that when she was a councilwoman in Long Beach, California, she crashed her BMW, failed to pay a repair bill and then apparently violated a local policy by racking up 30,000 miles on a city-owned vehicle in one year.

But Richardson's past financial troubles have not stopped her from sporting the most expensive car in the House of Representatives, despite her freshman status. She now drives a customized 2007 Lincoln Town Car that costs taxpayers $1,300 a month. The Daily Breeze reports that most cars leased by members of Congress cost $400 to $800 a month.
She has the audacity of a dope.

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