HolyCoast: How Did the Code Pinkos Get Into the RNC?
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Friday, September 05, 2008

How Did the Code Pinkos Get Into the RNC?

One of today's mysteries is how several members of infantile leftist group Code Pinko got into the Republican National Convention in order to attempt to disrupt speeches by John McCain and Sarah Palin. Newsbusters is reporting that there is strong suspicion that the credentials came from MSNBC, the "Barack Gives Me a Shiver Up the Leg" network.

Gateway Pundit has photos of one of the protesters wearing a name badge belonging to an alternate delegate from Indiana, but the delegate never let her credentials get away. The name badge could have been picked up at one of the seminars being held in the center.

The Code Pinkos themselves say they got credentials from disaffected Republicans, but I doubt that very much. The most logical suspect is either outright theft of the credentials, or a media group like MSNBC giving them credentials knowing full well what was going to happen.

Hopefully the police seized the credentials the protesters were wearing and will be able to trace their origin. All are bar coded, so it shouldn't be difficult to see who they were assigned to.

If it turns out to be a media source, I don't care if it's MSNBC, CBS or Fox News, Republicans should freeze that source out until the person or persons responsible are fired. No interviews, no trips with the candidates at any level, no appearances on their shows, and no credentials for any candidate events. That network should be persona non grata at all Republican events...period.

Until the people are fired and a formal apology is aired by the network, they're toast in Republican circles.

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