HolyCoast: Palin Bounce or Palin Surge?
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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Palin Bounce or Palin Surge?

There's a difference between a bounce and a surge. A bounce won't last long, but a surge indicates fundamental changes in the election equation. Don Surber has some links to changes, whether bounce or surge, that have come since the Palin nomination:
Gallup: McCain has a 15-point lead among independents and he’s gained 5 points among Democrats (9% pre-Palin; 14% post).
CBS News: McCain raised $5 million for Republicans in 5 hours … in Chicago. Tasty lunch you had there, Democratic Sen. Barack Obama.
New York Times: Obama’s money maker has stopped shaking. My thoughts on that.
ABC/Washington Post Poll: “White women have moved from 50-42 percent in Obama’s favor before the conventions to 53-41 percent for McCain now, a 20-point shift in the margin that’s one of the single biggest post-convention changes in voter preferences.”
Fact Check checks and declares: “Sliming Palin.”
Rasmussen: McCain is gaining in key states.

Surber is also thinking that Biden may not be long for the ticket.
In the Biden-under-the-bus pool, I’m taking 3 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 20th.
I threw that idea out a few days ago. If the numbers keep going south for Obama, it could happen. It would, however, be seen as a shameless act of desperation since Hillary would get the call, though I've previously suggested how she might respond to such an overture.

Take a look at the numbers in another 10 days or so and we'll know if the Palin boost is here to stay.

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