HolyCoast: More "Apology" Nonsense From the GOP
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

More "Apology" Nonsense From the GOP

As I watch the GOP response to many issues (including last night's Obama night out in New York) I'm reminded of the old Casey Stengel quote following yet another loss by the Mets: "Can anybody play this here game?"

Today on Fox News Sunday Sen. Lindsay Graham was asked about Sonia Sotomayor's infamous "wise Latina" speech:

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told "FOX News Sunday" he wasn't buying President Obama's attempt to walk back his Supreme Court nominee's controversial statement from 2001. Obama said Friday that given the chance Sotomayor would have "restated" that comment, and that she was merely trying to express how her experiences give her perspective on others' hardships.

"She didn't say that at all," Graham countered Sunday, suggesting Sotomayor's statement raises questions about her objectivity.

"What she said is that based on her life experiences is that she thought a Latina woman, somebody with her background, would be a better judge than a guy like me -- a white guy from South Carolina," Graham said. "It is troubling, and it's inappropriate and I hope she'll apologize."

What possible benefit is there in an Sotomayor apology? Does that make all the boo-boos feel better? Would he really believe an apology if one was offered now? If he would, he's a fool.

If she felt that her words were wrong or hurtful she would have apologized in 2001 after she made the speech. Her 8 years of silence on the issue tells us she's not the least bit sorry about what she said. If she's sorry today it's only because her words are causing controversy.

Let's quit asking for faux apologies. It's stupid and accomplishes nothing.

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