HolyCoast: Americans Disapprove of Obamacare 50-42
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Americans Disapprove of Obamacare 50-42

Obama keeps telling us that the American people want nationalized health care. If they do, they don't want the plan introduced in the House:
Americans are unsure that a healthcare reform bill introduced this week is the solution to problems with the U.S. healthcare system, according to a poll created and commissioned by a public policy expert at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

"By a 50-42 margin, Americans oppose the House of Representatives' bill introduced July 14," said S. Ward Casscells, M.D., vice president of external affairs and public policy and the John Edward Tyson Distinguished Professor in Cardiology at the UT Health Science Center at Houston. "This bill would call for most employers to sponsor health plans and would also create a Medicare-like plan for those under 65 who have no other health plan. The increased costs would be covered by increasing income taxes on individuals making more than $280,000 and families making more than $350,000."

According to the survey, which was conducted by Zogby International, most Americans are unwilling to pay higher taxes and instead favor more innovative approaches that would use the savings from improving care and curtailing waste and fraud to fund health care for the uninsured.
Medicare is a government health plan that's going bankrupt. Show me you can fix that first and then I'll listen to you on Obamacare.

The Veteran's Administration has a government-run health plan that's a disaster. Show me you can fix that first and then I'll listen to you on Obamacare.

Social Security is a government-run plan that's going bankrupt. Show me you can fix that first and then I'll listen to you on Obamacare.

That should be enough to keep you busy for awhile.

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