HolyCoast: Barbara Gets Her Ears Boxed
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Barbara Gets Her Ears Boxed

Sen. Barbara "Dumb as a Box of Rocks" Boxer ran into a buzzsaw on Capitol Hill when the head of the National Black Chamber of Commerce essentially called her a racist:
The President and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) tore into Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) Thursday for what he said were "condescending" and "God awful" racial statements at a hearing.

NBCC head Harry C. Alford took strong exception to Boxer having referenced an NAACP report favoring climate change legislation during a hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, of which Boxer is the chairwoman.

"Madam chair, that is condescending to me," Alford said. "I'm the National Black Chamber of Commerce, and you're trying to put up some other black group to pit against me."

Boxer defended including the report, however, saying the report reflects a "diversity" of support behind climate change legislation facing the Senate.

"If this gentleman were here, he would be proud he's being quoted," Boxer said in defense of the NAACP support.

Alford, however, struck back against Boxer, accusing her of "getting racial" in the climate change debate.

"All that's condescending, and I don't like it. It's racial. I take offense to it. As an African-American and a veteran of this country, I take offense to that," he said. "You're quoting some other black man — why don't you quote some other Asian or some other… You're getting racial here."

"You're speaking on behalf of the black community?" Alford asked. "Why are you doing the colored people association's study with the black Chamber of Commerce?"

He finally concluded:

"We've been looking at energy policy since 1996. And we are referring to the experts, regardless of their color. And for someone to tell me, an African-American, college-education veteran of the United States Army, that I must contend with some other "black group" and put aside everything else in here — This has NOTHING to do with the NAACP, and really has nothing to do with the National Black Chamber of Commerce. We're talking about energy. And that — that road the chair went down, I think is God awful."

Just as in the Dick Durbin example earlier today, Democrats are both obsessed with race and convinced that every member of a minority community thinks the same. She did everything but say they all look alike.

My thanks to Mr. Alford for calling her out.


Anonymous said...

Heap it on Mr. Alford, heap it on!
I do however disagree with you making reference to yourself as an African American. You are either an American or you are not, make the choice as to which you want to be.

Meg said...

Did anyone notice that Mr. Alford referred to Ms. Boxer as "ma'am" several times and she didn't tell him to call her "Senator?" Because, of course, she has worked hard for that title.

If any conservatives sit out the next election because they don't like the choices, they will be selling this country down the river. That goes double for Californians.

MRedd said...

Thank you Mr Alford for renewing my faith in the veterans I fought side by side with and respected all my life. Senator (don't call me 'Ma'am') Boxer was clearly trying to gain your racial support as if by doing so you would fall in line with her political agenda. God Bless You for standing up for ALL men, not just black men.