HolyCoast: Rasmussen: 50%-35% Against Obamacare
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Rasmussen: 50%-35% Against Obamacare

Earlier today I had the Gallup poll that showed Americans opposed to Obamacare 50%-42%. The numbers for Obama are even worse on Rasmussen:
Just 35% of U.S. voters now support the creation of a government health insurance company to compete with private health insurers.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 50% of voters oppose setting up a government health insurance company as President Obama and congressional Democrats are now proposing in their health care reform plan. Fifteen percent (15%) are undecided.

In mid-June, 41% of American adults thought setting up a government health insurance company to compete with private health insurance companies was a good idea, but the identical number (41%) disagreed.
Fred Barnes thinks Obama's his own worst enemy. Though he's s gifted speaker he lacks the ability to persuade people to his way of thinking. When he starts telling people to "buck up" and pass Obamacare, the support numbers crumble. That's happened on other issues as well.

1 comment:

Dick said...

The more you listen to the Golden Tongue the more you begin to distrust what he is saying. He is like a spoiled child, I want it my way or I'm not going to play, I'll take my toys and go home. Anytime someone says "we have to pass this" a BIG Yellow or Red flag comes up and I say, slow down, not so fast. Then add to that a Democratic controlled congress who apparantly haven't yet learned any reading skills and you have a receipe for disaster.