HolyCoast: Broward County, FL - You Can't Opt Out of Obama's School Speech
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Sunday, September 06, 2009

Broward County, FL - You Can't Opt Out of Obama's School Speech

From the Broward County, FL school system website:
On Tuesday, September 8, 2009, Broward County Public Schools students will have the opportunity to watch an online national address from President Obama on the importance of education. The Web address can be seen locally in Broward County at 12 noon on the White House Web site (www.whitehouse.gov/live), and broadcast live on BECON Channel 24.

According to Superintendent James F. Notter, there have been several calls into the Superintendent’s Office suggesting and/or requesting that alternative space and activities be provided for those students wishing to “opt out” of this activity.

“As one of the premier major school systems in America, we have consistently encouraged civics education in the broadest sense, e.g., Kids Voting, elected officials participating in Career Days, countywide broadcast of Inaugural address, etc.,” said Notter. “Therefore, providing for a separation from this Address does not align with our practices and responsibility to provide a well rounded, quality education for all students. This is the first time an American President has spoken directly to students on the importance of education and the challenge to work hard, set educational goals, and take responsibility for one’s learning.”
So, who needs education now? This excerpt from President George H. W. Bush's speech to children on September 17, 1991:
"All of you can turn learning into an adventure. And to do this you have to prepare not just by studying, but by studying hard, especially math and science.
Do they have Google in Broward County?

Since my kids are both in college I checked with my nieces to see if their schools will be making them watch the speech. In both cases, no. The speech will be occurring at 9am on the first day of their new school year and both schools have told parents they won't be watching it.

Frankly, they've got better things to do.


Ann's New Friend said...

All your kids have to worry about is Rahm trying to re-rev support for his voluntary mandatory service, also known as "slavery."

Goofy Dick said...

If I had children in school and the district said they had to watch this circuis by Obama, I would be the first to lead a Recall on the Administrators of said school district. We don't need this kind of leadership in our local school system.

Larry Sheldon said...

My dictionaries all seem to be defective.

Please help.

In the sentence "On Tuesday, September 8, 2009, Broward County Public Schools students will have the opportunity to watch an online national address from President Obama on the importance of education.", what do the words "will have an opportunity" mean?

Anonymous said...

No wonder Broward is losing residents. This rule is pure brainwashing and abuse of our kids by the man who appointed Van Jones.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for providing a quote from the Bush speech to STUDENTS in 1991. Actually here is the link to his speech: http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/public_papers.php?id=3450&year=1991&month=10
I don't even live in Broward Co yet it just grinds my gears to know that the school system is not giving the kids an opportunity to opt out of viewing the speech today.

BTW, today's speech may have been changed to make some of us look like whiney babies; but what's next...safe speech today... not so safe later on down the road.

jerry bates said...

Very inspirational speech I loved how he aimed for our kids of today to plan for tomorrow, its not giving them political empowerment or guiding them in the wrong direction as the media portrayed but its giving them hope that through all the struggles and storms you may cross you will come out the hero In the end way to go Mr. President.