HolyCoast: Fox News is Saving Obama
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fox News is Saving Obama

Fox News, the network Obama loves to hate and avoid, may actually be saving his scrawny neck, according to a theory proposed by Don Surber:
For a man who has spent the last 2 years doing what he could to fight Fox News — he sank its one and only scheduled Democratic presidential debate by boycotting the event — Barack Obama sure owes Fox News for protecting himself from himself.

Time and time again, Fox News has forced Obama to throw under his political bus some very dangerous people.

Fox News has done this by putting journalism first, political correctness last.

The Hillary Clinton campaign shopped the Rev. Jeremiah Wright story to network after network. Finally Fox News bit and the rest is history. A race-baiting, America-hating man who was the inspiration for “The Audacity Of Hope” book was gone.

Then there was Bill Ayers. And so on, through Van Jones.

And now, ACORN. The administration has cut ties with ACORN after Glenn Beck exposed ACORN workers helping a woman pimp 13-year-old illegal immigrants.


Fox News is doing the nation a favor by doing its job.

I have a theory. Obama is not so sure of his racial identity. He seeks street cred. He thinks race haters like Van Jones help him.

They are poison.

By forcing Obama to abandon him,Fox News saves him and his presidency.

That’s not its purpose, of course. It is only doing its job without regard to ideology.

But the unintended consequence is good for a president who is too trusting of those who hate their own country.
I think Don is probably right. However, it's a sure bet that we'd never hear about any of the kooks in the Obama administration were it not for Fox. The other networks studiously avoid any mention of them and until Fox outs them, who knows what damage they may be doing?

1 comment:

Nightingale said...

Don Surber's comments make the assumption that the president is too "trusting" to know what he's doing when associating with questionable people.

If Surber is right, our president is too foolish to be the Leader of the Free World. If Surber is wrong, and the president knows exactly who he's associating with, then Americans have elected a president who hates America.