HolyCoast: Health Care Quote of the Day
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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Health Care Quote of the Day

From Obama's former pastor of 22 years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
I think the racists in the right wing are upset because poor people are about to be helped.
Thanks, Rev.! You're always ready to help Obama out just when he needs it.


Anonymous said...

Racists come in all colors, Rev. Wright. Better to call them "Ethnocentists".

Ann's New Friend said...

Obama does indeed love the poor -- for which reason he wants to INCREASE their numbers.

But when that roll is called up yonder in Washington, I'm "hoping" not to be among their number.

Obama loves the poor a little too much though not enough to be poor himself. Hyde Park for him, trailer park for you.

Ann's New Friend said...

Just stumbled upon this: [Obama] "...preceded his broad-scale talk by meeting with about 40 Wakefield students in a school library, where at one point he advised them to "be careful what you post on Facebook. Whatever you do, it will be pulled up again later somewhere in your life.""


It's good advice! And Big O should know! Look what happened to Jonesy and the Rev!!

And who's next?

Ann's New Friend said...

Found this -- the lamest of lame excuses imaginable -- from the Times on why they dropped the ball on the Jones controversy:

"Another [reason why] is that despite being a so-called "czar," Mr. Jones was not a high-ranking official." -- Jill Abramson, managing editor of The Times, wrote in response to reader questions posted online


If you've got copies of the paper, start archiving them in your America's Antiques Road Show ready-boxes now because soon they'll be collectible!

The Grey Lady, she's going down!