HolyCoast: Joe Wilson is Done With the Apology Tour
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Joe Wilson is Done With the Apology Tour

Rep. Joe Wilson said Sunday that he will not apologize on the House floor for his outburst during President Obama's health care address, even though Democratic leaders have threatened to formally discipline him if he does not.

Wilson noted that he already apologized directly to the White House after shouting, "You lie," to the president during his Wednesday address to a joint session of Congress. The outburst triggered a political firestorm, but Wilson told "FOX News Sunday" that Democrats are just "playing politics" by trying to drag out the issue and force another apology.

"I've apologized one time. The apology was accepted by the president, the vice president. ... I am not apologizing again," he told "FOX News Sunday."

Wilson said he would "never do something like that again," but continued to defend himself.

The South Carolina Republican on Wednesday accused the president of lying for claiming his health care reform plan would not cover illegal immigrants.

"I believe in the truth. What I heard was not true," Wilson explained Sunday. "I believe (Obama) was misstating the facts."
In case you missed it yesterday, I drafted a response for Rep. Wilson to Nancy Pelosi regarding her demand for another apology.

No one who has ever gone on a liberal-mandated apology tour has ever been allowed to get off. Just ask Trent Lott, Don Imus or Michael Richards. No apology is ever enough. Wilson is making a smart move, and if the Democrats insist on going forward with sanctions, all they'll do is keep the story alive for several more days, diverting attention from Obama's message, and will probably put another million dollars in Wilson's campaign coffers from outraged Republicans.

If that's what the Democrats want, bring it on.


Steven Dexter said...

Great observation that apologies to the Left never end. Forgiveness is never given by them either. I guess forgiveness is a Christian thing, and only Christians are expected to.

Ann's New Friend said...

Some discipline needs meting but not to Congressman Wilson, who on the contrary, deserves a medal.

Those who need discipline are Mrs. Pelosi, Congressman Hoyer and various others who have been impertinently shooting off their mouths for far too long. And the discipline they need can only be administered by the voters!

If you know what I mean ...

Mike Marshall said...

Congressman Wilson was on the mark with his comment. I don't beleive he was any more out of line the others who have heckled other presidnts in the past.

As a matter of fact the president was wrong and the white house just released a statement that there were provisions in the bill to cover illegal imigrants.

Although I agree with the congressman and what he did the skeptic in me questions his motives. Afterall he is in a fight for his seat in teh house and he has been rather silent as it pertains to the actions of his state's govenor. Of course he is of the same politcal party and unfortunately elected officials don't seem to apply the same morality stick to thier own party. No matter which party it is.

Tears said...

I have been praying for someone to stand up and say the truth within the walls of the capitol of this country... Rep Joe Wilson has finally done that... Mr. Wilson do not back down. Maybe there are some in DC that care what the voters think. I suggest the rest of you politicians stand up for what America stands for. Do not let them take America from us.
People that vote you in are counting on you to do the truth thing. Most all of us out here what our America to be a democracy.
Not a socialist country . also what is wrong that you all don't put your foot down about all these czars!!! what is that!! please wake up. Also O'bama, is he truly an American born citizen??
And since when does the president of the United States take over businesses??? Can't you smell the rot coming out of the White House??

John Guzlowski said...

A house divided against itself can not stand.

I wonder if any of the people have ever been in a situation where they've been giving a presentation and have been verbally attacked.

It happens in schools, churches, theaters, and when it does it's never good.

It suggests a lack of concern for other people. A childish sort of yelling.

Rick Moore said...

I guess you just proved your theory wrong, John, because this time the outcome was very good. The health care debate was derailed, the illegal immigration provisions were tightened up, and a lot of people felt very gratified that someone said what they were thinking. It's time to stop being so respectful of elected leaders from both parties.

jadejohn said...

Hey, if the president might be shady concerning certain issues...then someone needs to speak up, right. This is politics, no one can tell me that all that is said, even about the health care reform, that it will take place-plus there are a lot of UN specifics concerning who will get health care benefits...ups, sorry, I got off the subject