HolyCoast: Maxine Waters: Investigate the Protesters!
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Maxine Waters: Investigate the Protesters!

Now that dissent is the highest form of racism, wacky Los Angeles Congresswoman Maxine Waters wants the protesters investigated:
The media should investigate the racial views of conservative activists like the ones who descended on Washington last weekend, one liberal congresswoman said Wednesday.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said that it's not enough for African-Americans to levy allegations of racism against the right-leaning protesters, and that the media must look into their views.

"I want those people talked to; I want them interviewed," Waters told the liberal Bill Press Radio show in a podcast. "I want journalists to be all over those rallies and the marches with the birthers and the teabaggers."

"What I'm looking for is the very people who carry the signs who are referring to the policies in very, very strange ways like 'Obamacare' and 'Bury Obamacare with Kennedy,'" she said. "What I've been interested in is hearing from those people that everybody's referring to -- everybody on the Mall, in the rally."
Obama's America.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Ms. Waters ever requested that protesters of GWB be investigated?! NOT!!


Larry Sheldon said...

Seems like if anybody tries to tell people like Waters anything out there, they get told to shut up, or get peed on, or something.

Herman said...

What would Maxine want done to the BLACKS that I saw in the Washington Ralley? This gal is plumb nuts. If any group ought to be investigated Ms. Water's, it ought to be ACORN!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The "Bury Obamacare with Kennedy" signs that the good Conrgresswoman mentions in the article were handed out at the march, at key points around Metro Stations. I thought this to be strange because the organizers did not have a budget for such signs. My read was that it was something The Left had sponsored; a gut feeling actually. There was also a staged photo with one of those signs that I saw a professional photgrapher taking later in the day which involved the sign and some organic material deposited by a DC mounted police unit. I am doing a chronology of our 9/12 experience and my post from earlier today has a picture of the guy who was handing these signs out at the Federal Triangle Metro stop. I also have a photo of the sign that I saw used for the staged photo I mentioned above that I will post when I get to that point in my chronology. This comment from Ms. Waters seems odd in that there really were not that many of these signs and the VAST majority of the marchers had homemade signs.

Ann's New Friend said...

Maxine wants the investigation fixed upon anyone but herself.

Wonder where Maxine was and what she was doing when ACORN was destroying the American housing market?

Tell us, Maxine, how destroying the economy benefits black people? We're waiting for your explanation.

Ann's New Friend said...

Maxine wants the investigation fixed upon anyone but herself.

Wonder where Maxine was and what she was doing when ACORN was destroying the American housing market?

Tell us, Maxine, how destroying the economy benefits black people? We're waiting for your explanation.

Nightingale said...

Maxine Waters, and other using the term "teabaggers," ought to have their mouths washed out with soap.

I have heard this term used by the likes of Jeanine Garafalo, and that it had some sexual connotations. And that it does. And I am sure the Democrats using this term know it, or at least they should.

It is simply vulgar.

And the Dems have the nerve to get all self-righteous about Joe Wilson's comments?

What a brooding nest of vipers.