HolyCoast: Obama Kisses Up to Unions, Starts Trade War the The One Country Still Willing to Buy Our Debt
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Monday, September 14, 2009

Obama Kisses Up to Unions, Starts Trade War the The One Country Still Willing to Buy Our Debt

The boy just isn't that bright (from the Financial Times):
A full-blown trade row erupted on Sunday night between the US and China after Beijing accused Washington of “rampant protectionism” for imposing heavy duties on imported Chinese tyres and threatened action against imports of US poultry and vehicles.

Trade relations between two of the world’s biggest economies deteriorated after Barack Obama, US president, signed an order late on Friday to impose a new duty of 35 per cent on Chinese tyre imports on top of an existing 4 per cent tariff.

In his first big test on world trade since taking office in January, Mr Obama sided with America’s trade unions, which have complained that a “surge” in imports of Chinese-made tyres had caused 7,000 job losses among US factory workers.

Chen Deming, China’s minister of commerce, condemned the decision, saying that it “sends the wrong signal to the world” at a time when Washington and Beijing should be co-operating to deal with the worst economic and financial crisis in decades.

“This is a grave act of trade protectionism,” Mr Chen said in a statement. “Not only does it violate WTO rules, it contravenes commitments the United States government made at the [April] G20 financial summit.”

China said it would now investigate imports of US poultry and vehicles, responding to complaints from domestic companies.
China doesn't have to mess with the piddly stuff if they want to punish Obama for the trade protectionism. All they have to do is refuse to buy any more debt. It will cripple the Treasury.


Herman said...

The empty suit in the White House just isn't too brillant.

Ann's New Friend said...

Either Obama is even more arrogant than advertised, or else baiting the Chinese plays into a strategic goal of manufacturing as much crisis as possible (the only kind of manufacturing in which Obama has experience) while he hopes to rule.