HolyCoast: Obama Plans New Smoke and Mirrors Campaign
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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Obama Plans New Smoke and Mirrors Campaign

Or perhaps bait-and-switch is a better description:
Aides to President Barack Obama are putting the final touches on a new strategy to help Democrats recover from a brutal August recess by specifying what Obama wants to see in a compromise health care deal and directly confronting other trouble spots, West Wing officials tell POLITICO.

Obama is considering detailing his health-care demands in a major speech as soon as next week, when Congress returns from the August recess. And although House leaders have said their members will demand the inclusion of a public insurance option, Obama has no plans to insist on it himself, the officials said.

“We’re entering a new season,” senior adviser David Axelrod said in a telephone interview. “It’s time to synthesize and harmonize these strands and get this done. We’re confident that we can do that. But obviously it is a different phase. We’re going to approach it in a different way. The president is going to be very active.”

This is a classic misdirection play, worthy of Penn & Teller. Obama says he won't insist on a public option while the lefty Dems put it in the bill anyway and hope nobody notices. Obama knows he'll never get lefty Dems to agree to a bill without a public option and hopes he'll get credit for not insisting on it.

Sorry, too late. We're on to you, Barry.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we're on to him. I just hope Mr. "reach across the aisle" McCain is on to him. Or at least, he feels some responsibility to represent what his constituants want.

steven boss said...

Leave Obama alone