HolyCoast: Political Cartoon of the Day
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Political Cartoon of the Day


Linda said...

Isn't this the truth!

Underdog said...

Underneath such statements is the underlying attitude of "since I'm black, whatever I do, say, or think cannot be held to account. You have no basis to challenge me!"
In other words, rebelliousness.

While there is a lamentable history in the United States of real and unjust racism towards those who have origins in Africa, and a real need to have the majority reach out to the minority and reconcile with them as Jesus Christ does, confusing political aims and goals with racism doesn't make the grade.

Those crying "racism" these days are akin to those crying "wolf!" once too often. Understanding why there is opposition to a leader who happens to have African ancestry is the key. How could opposition be 100% due to racism? This doesn't make any kind of logical sense. It also cheapens civic discourse.

Oh, and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi don't look to have any African blood in their veins. . . how could it be that a good many in this country oppose the One, and these two when their ethnicity is not uniformly the same among these three? Maybe some reason beyond ethnicity? Think about it. . .