HolyCoast: Political Photo of the Day
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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Political Photo of the Day

The moment the words "YOU LIE!" were shouted at Obama:

Nancy almost dropped her dentures.

This will be the story of the speech. An hour of rhetoric was just eclipsed by two shouted words. A day or two from now those two words will be all anyone remembers from this speech.

UPDATE2: Remember when Nancy Pelosi said she was a big fan of disrupters?


Alexander said...

Good catch! - OutreachNewMedia.com

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! They really are to the LEFT!!!!!!!!

Barbara said...

That was me: Anonymous...above!

Anonymous said...

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read.....Get a life!!!!!!!!!!!

Rick Moore said...

Got one!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!

Nightingale said...

Maybe we need to go back to the days of the Founding Fathers and hash things out, loudly if necessary. All this feigned civility is causing our country to circle the drain.

Anonymous said...

I guess pelosi forgot those same words fell right out of her mouth during a GWB's speech. But that was when it was patriotic to dissent our Senate, Congress or the President of the United States of America. These liberal dems believe all rule change on their whims. I for one am sick of it. I say the American people will speak out loudly at our elections in 2010 & 2012. Yes, we send them to DC for us but then some are forgetting it remains to be for “WE THE PEOPLE” America take notice.

Anonymous said...

Beeyotiful. If they start fistfights in the aisles, then it'll be just like the Adams administration.

Ann's New Friend said...

Alas! No one told Mrs. Pelosi "be careful what you wish for."

LewArcher said...
