HolyCoast: Rush on the Nobel Prize
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Friday, October 09, 2009

Rush on the Nobel Prize

Politico asked Rush Limbaugh to comment on Obama's Peace Prize:
Conservatives pounced on the the Nobel Prize committee's decision to award President Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, with talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh calling it a "greater embarrassment" than losing the Olympics.

"This fully exposes the illusion that is Barack Obama," Limbaugh told POLITICO in an e-mail. "And with this 'award' the elites of the world are urging Obama, THE MAN OF PEACE, to not do the surge in Afghanistan, not take action against Iran and its nuclear program and to basically continue his intentions to emasculate the United States."

Limbaugh continued: "They love a weakened, neutered U.S and this is their way of promoting that concept. I think God has a great sense of humor, too."

The Nobel award comes a week to the day after Obama's personal pitch for the 2016 Olympics in Chicago was rejected by the International Olympic Committee.

Can't say it better than that.


Anonymous said...

Clearly, this award was bought for Obama by someone. This indicates that there is some level of danger, globally, in regard to Obama. Who bought it? How influential? I don't know, but it does not bode well for the average citizen.

I'm starting to think that his "slip of the tongue" while campaigning in Europe, the one about being POTUS for "eight or ten years", is maybe indicative of what someone has planned for the USA, and that in those ten years the transformation of the USA into something else entirely will be complete.

The "Stimulus" bill will take 10 years to have full effect. It is already a done deal. Somehow that is left out, like everyone has already forgotten how much we have lost already.

The Nobel Prize is largely symbolic, so the fact that Barack won this does not concern me as much as the subterfuge that got the award for him and more importantly, as stated above, what are the goals of those who bought this for him? (Anyone who believes Barack "earned" this Nobel Prize would disagree, of course)

Ann's New Friend said...

Woaw there, Guy Average. How is Obama going to grasp this extracurricular power? I'm thinking about that march on Washington Sept 12th and recognizing that millions of people felt the same shock as the protesters, but they couldn't all come to Washington -- especially as these are real people, not professional protesters. They have jobs and lives.

As for the Stimulus money, it hasn't been spent yet. Much is still money on paper at present. A mid-term sea-change could throw a serious monkey wrench into the plans of Mr. Hopeandchange.