HolyCoast: Homeland Security Quote of the Day
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Homeland Security Quote of the Day

From Barack Obama:
“As the plane made its final approach to Detroit Metropolitan Airport, a passenger allegedly tried to ignite an explosive device on his body, setting off a fire”
"Allegedly?" This is typical of the "terrorism is just another crime" approach that Obama has been trying to promote. Obama is not acting as president but as the District Attorney.

The terrorist didn't "allegedly" do anything, he did it. It was witnessed by others and he has the burned underwear and nether regions to prove it happened. Dancing around reality doesn't get it.

This isn't Perry Mason, this is war and the president simply isn't serious about it.


Goofy Dick said...

This is exactly what you get when you have someone in charge who has NO experience!!!!! This guy would have a hard time even trying to play children's games. He is all mouth and very little gray matter.

Ann's New Friend said...

"Allegedly" is part of the leftist mind-set, and as you note the natural consequence of their speech habit devolves into question whether or not the event even happened at all. Lefties have an innate problem with reality -- or "reality" as they would say.