HolyCoast: Too Cool to be Bothered by Terrorism
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Too Cool to be Bothered by Terrorism

I'm reading the piece below and just shaking my head:
THE WHITE HOUSE CASE — "Obama, the Anti-Bush in Aftermath of Terror Bid," by AFP's Stephen Collinson, in Kaneohe: "President Barack Obama sought to show both calm and steel Monday in a first response to the Christmas Day airline attack that marked a sharp shift in tone from George W. Bush-style rhetoric. Blunt but restrained, Obama delivered the carefully calibrated response to the botched bid to bring down a Northwest Airlines jet bound for Detroit, as he broke away from a family vacation in his native Hawaii. ... Ex-president Bush, a proponent of 'from the gut' leadership, often hit a swaggering, bombastic tone in contrast to his successor's more cerebral, 'no-drama Obama' performance on Monday. ... Obama's performance revealed a little about how he sees himself as a leader, and the way he will respond to current, and future threats to the US homeland. In waiting three days since the thwarted bid by a 23-year-old Nigerian man to bring down the jet, the president apparently sought to deny its extremist foes the oxygen of publicity. There also seemed to be an attempt to avoid sparking panic and to keep political temperatures cool at home. Obama coolly went to the gym and played tennis with his wife Michelle before making his statement — then headed for the golf links afterwards."
Can you imagine any journalist writing something like that about President Bush had he waited for three days to respond to a terrorism attempt? He would have been vilified at the very least, and at most would have been declared hopelessly out-of-touch with the gravity of the situation.


Ann's New Friend said...

Eventually it may dawn on even those people who supported Obama that he spends more time playing golf than he does being president, and they might begin to wonder who IS president in this administration. After they realize that -- perhaps a long, long time afterwards, they may even recognize that they were the enablers of this scheme -- they, the ones who wrote the excuses and rationalizations for everything the guy did, for every behavior that should have sounded the warming bells.

Robert Fanning said...

I agree with Ann! Actually, I have seen little evidence of Pres Obama having actually worked on anything since taking office. I am sure he spends long days, maybe even evenings, however, it has never seemed to be other than trying to achieve just the right political tone in vapid statements.

Nightingale said...

George Soros is probably writing the scripts.