HolyCoast: Barney Frank: Please Finish Killing Fannie and Freddie For Me
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Barney Frank: Please Finish Killing Fannie and Freddie For Me

Barney Frank tried to put them out of business with his demand for more loans to people who can't repay them, and now he wants to finish them off:
A top House Democrat on Friday said his committee was preparing to recommend "abolishing" mortgage-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and rebuilding the U.S. housing-finance system from scratch.

"The remedy here is...as I believe this committee will be recommending, abolishing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in their current form and coming up with a whole new system of housing finance," said Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass.), the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.

His comments initially rippled through bond markets on concerns that the government might pull away from the mortgage market. Many believe that's unlikely and that any revamp would include continued government involvement. The government took over the companies in September 2008 as loan losses mounted.

Some Republicans have argued that the companies should ultimately be reduced in size and privatized, while at other end of the spectrum, some analysts have recommended turning the companies into government agencies. But several industry groups and academics have suggested that the government is likely to continue playing at least some role in the future of the companies.

Fannie and Freddie would still be viable entities if Barney Frank hadn't demanded that they make loans that no prudent business would make and refused to allow the kind of oversight that might have prevented the collapse. If they go, he should go.


Bob Hughes said...

First the student loan industry (through direct lending), now the mortgage industry. Just you watch. Like in health care, liberals will begin to say that the constitution somehow guarantees everyone a home, and we should all pay a "housing insurance fee" that will pay for housing for those who can't afford it...

Sam L. said...

Fannie and Freddie are what they are and where they are because Barney said "Make it so."