HolyCoast: Chief Justice "Too Controversial" to Speak at College Graduation
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Chief Justice "Too Controversial" to Speak at College Graduation

I have a friend with ties to Butler University and I can't imagine he'll be too happy to hear this:
When John Roberts' niece graduates in May from Butler University this May, the Supreme Court chief justice may attend as a relative — but he has been deemed too controversial to take the stage as commencement speaker.

University faculty members scuttled a student-led drive to invite Roberts to speak at the May 8 ceremony, a decision that has disappointed the students and some conservatives on the Indianapolis campus.

"We try to steer clear of political divides if possible," Butler Faculty Senate President Jeanne VanTyle told the Indianapolis Star.

VanTyle says the school has made only two exceptions to its no-politicians rule in three decades: once for Democrat Evan Bayh when he was governor and last year for Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels.

"Last year, I watched half of the audience cheer and half of the audience frown," VanTyle told the Indianapolis Star. "That's not what someone's commencement ought to be."

He's the Chief Justice of the United States, not an elected politician. If the standard is going to be that no one with any particular political leanings can speak at Butler, their graduations are going to be quiet affairs.


Linda said...

Why have a commencement ceremony at all? Save the money, and mail the diplomas.

This is a crazy decision. They should be proud to have the Chief Justice as their speaker!

Nightingale said...

It's not Ms Van Tyle's commencement, it's the students'.

Why shouldn't the students get to choose?

Bob Hughes said...

Commencement speakers are supposed to be an example of what a student can aspire to in life, and I would argue that there is no greater position than Chief Justice of the US.

Then again, they could follow Southampton College's lead. They had Kermit the Frog as their commencement speaker in 1996. (http://www.southampton.liunet.edu/news/commence/1996/kermit.htm)

Maybe these students would rather aspire to be a puppet.

Goofy Dick said...

The school administration must have a huge squirrel's nest here as the place appears to have lots of NUTS leading the school and the choices it makes.

Sam L. said...

Well, they could get a comedian, but so many of them do have political comments to make.